— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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today in the subway I eat, sits short in the first car and leaned to the wall where the cabin of the engineer and I hear behind the wall of the voice.First did not disassemble, then listened: and this is there a student (a type of assistant engineer behind the control panel) and a teacher of the expedition, a clear special in his business (experienced engineer).Now this is what I am: I am actually standing and I hear teacher 1, and engineer 2
Let’s touch it slowly, where the hell is!! Close the door fool!
2 Yes, but what is it?
Don’t touch SUKA, it’s a loudspeaker, a connection to the fucking salon!
As you listen, we’re already going.
I go on and I hear further.
What are you as small? Go ahead, you have to learn everything. Specialists are here, sit here with you.
Arrive at the station.
2 to brake?
No fool, we go through the tunnel and raise them all there. Stop to stop!
(We sharply brake, you can see that a lot of people are not just starting to enter, but to enter a car that is so overcrowded before the failure, the doors must already be closed.)
2 (by speaker) Dear passengers, make the fastest boarding.
1 give me, all live into the wagon, otherwise I will go with the doors open.
It was a check shot in the head, and the whole car was standing.
I’m scared of the metro!

yurgen with you

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna