— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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About Love

My father died quickly.
I left Peter for a couple of days and flew to see him and say goodbye.
I hardly knew it, just through my eyes. There was a thin old man sitting on the hospital bed, I couldn’t even believe that this was my powerful Dad and he was only fifty-one.
We talked a long time about life, even though we both understood what it was about death.
In those days, Mom lived right there, in the chamber, next to Dad, spent the night on three chairs, and in the afternoon ran home for a short time to wash, cook and put on pillows and straight back.
In the room, Mom was always cheerful, cheerful and lighthearted, even joking. I cried silently just behind the door when I was washing dishes in the laundry.
With her father's work, a collaborator with oranges was sent, she was instructed to visit and find out - how there is Yuri Vasilyevich and how serious is everything in him?
The aunt entered, greeted her and hardly expressed her horror when she saw her changed father.
After a minute and a half, she got up from her chair, said, “Goodbye, Yuri Vasilyevich,” and knocked at the door.
Here in the chamber entered a cheerful Mom with a washed dish in her hands and her face instantly tumbled. Mother devastatingly shone her eyes on the visitor and with metal in her voice spoke:
Who are you like another? What stopped? Should the wife go out for a moment, how is she here like here? What are you watching? Your eyes are shy! Why are you lying there, smiling? I will not see that you are sick. I'm turning here - I'm turning, I don't sleep at night, but behind my back! What else is FIFA? Sick, sick, and, I see, you are not lost! You know, my jokes are bad.
Are you still here? Come away from here, and let your spirit be greater.

The frightened aunt apologized for something and, not saying goodbye, jumped out into the corridor.
Dad smiled with his lips and said quietly:

Mom, what are you doing? This is Olga from my department.
- And I, though Olga, though Galia, have nothing to respect them. Walk on the wall, and there. Drink a better kefir, and I will go and warn the guard not to let her come here anymore. All of.

Mother jumped up and decidedly left the room.
I’ve never seen a scene of jealousy performed by my parents in my life and was, gently speaking, stunned.
At any rate, I jumped for Mom into the corridor, if little she would do there in such a state.
At the very end of the long corridor, Mom caught the confused Olga and said:

- For the sake of God, forgive me, but you must understand... Translate to everyone there your greetings and thanks.
Olya, I have a great request for you, but don’t refuse: if you can, come to him again at least once. Please please. Okay is? I ask you very much, do not delay. Better tomorrow...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna