— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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What does it mean to get out of the flat. A multi-apartment cooperative house.
I go from the gym, and at the meeting of the grandmother, the closet is folded, so on the asphalt, breaking. Well, I’m like “the rightest best guy in the village.”
Give it, grandmother, I will help you.
And let us!
Where to?
Right next to the neighbor’s entrance. God speaks out.

Donez, then says, “And drag in the entrance, and there in the elevator.” I will bring well. She doesn’t go into the elevator, she says, “Let’s go up the stairs.” Good shit! I pulled to the first floor. Which I ask. It is “12 milks”. Sorry lady, and you are in your mind to drag on 12 on your hands untouched closet? I thought, I thought, and I sent her.
And then the chairman of our house calls me and says that she stole it from the neighboring entrance when people were carrying furniture and I was seen with her pulling over that closet. Hello friends, I am glad to see you for the first time in my life!

p.s All are good! It was in SPB.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna