— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The case was in primary school. One winter we came back with the kids from school, I and two of my classmates, all lived in about the same neighborhood, so to go was on the way. One of them was named Andrew. He was a young boy, always sick, raised by his mother and a tough Soviet grandmother. Nothing predicts trouble, we just melt. Andrei stumbled and fell his face into the snow. Nothing special, everyone whispers, Andrei stands up - he has blood from his nose. It seemed to be very crumbling, we think, and we decided to carry it to the apartment. It was there that the aforementioned relatives met him. We told what happened. The door closed. Everybody went apart at home.

The next day I go to school. After the second lesson, grandmother Andrew comes with him. He ticked a finger at me and said, “That’s you?"And he insecurely whispers, "No, not beaten," and she gets more and more persistently beating out the truth from him - "Is this beaten? Speak to!“And then he “shakes” and says “Yes.” In general, the grandmother came up with a story in her head about how her granddaughter was beaten, she believed in her, pressured Andrei to "confess." This is the turn, I think, I begin to tell how it was, nobody is listening or believing. Go to the board and the director at the same time. He was tortured, why did he beat the boy? How did it all happen? What was taken from him? I tell you how it was – no one is listening to me, words are flying out into space. By the way, my grandmother accompanied me at every stage, drilling a fierce look. The next day, I called my parents (my mother, by the way, was the chief vocalist in the PSH), who, by the way, didn’t believe me too, they scorned them. And then I asked Andrew to apologize to him. And they put a huge inscription on one of the days in the diary "After classes beat a classmate."

So nobody generally believed me, but I believed a grandmother with a rich imagination. And the second boy who was with us - this problem somehow bypassed and he did not take part in the proceedings, although he could confirm my words (if they were listened, of course). Most of the parents were upset, who didn't believe it, and the belt was poured out.

I hope I will not make such a mistake with my children, and I will be able to stand on their side in time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna