As sweet, 36 - Voronezh Oblast, 31 - Belgorod, 46 - Kursk. My address is not a home or a street. Write to Icho.
I write. Do you know at all that the bondage law was abolished at the same time as in the white stone? And we are here - who could have thought! We have the courage to move freely and communicate with people not only on the Internet. And yes, personally, I regularly shoot from Kursk to Voronezh and Belgorod, to contractors. And the colleague does not go out and HMAO (Hello, Oleg Palych! And I’m in Belgorod now, it’s warmer here, and you’ve left in shoes! We live in Kursk. Suddenly is it? And we have friends in different areas, not in different subway branches. And enough everywhere to whisper the formula "Russia=Moscow+Wikipedia". Our lives here are very different from what you see in your statistics and online.