— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The dialogue between the sisadmin requiring 2 screws and 1 key, and the head of the CTO.

Welcome to Bollywood! We suffer great and shameful need! They came to us, boyarin, a hard disk with more volume, and wider - in the amount of a few (we want girls overseas shy to watch, and we have small volumes, we tolerate the need and so on). And we have heard from Constantine that there is an overseas miracle – a gaming keyboard called. Constantine was a ugly and stinking dog, because he did not allow the miracle to be used, but pulled it into his cellar. Do not offend us, we have another such item! The head was roasted.)

- The letters of this grey are numerous, while it is hard work to understand. Constantine received this gadget in exchange for a thick boiler. He beat his head at the cut of the light, so that this gadget could be obtained, and the great man of our bearded man had mercy on him and gave his highest will for the miracle. We will think of the hard disk, because the overseas girls to be entered in the chronicles - goodness is great! So writer, write more, for it will be counted!

P.S signed...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna