— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This is what I do not understand:

xxx: Fig-se close-ups curled: "Blizzard Entertainment is a company of equal opportunities. Our rule is to hire qualified employees, regardless of their race, skin color, gender, age, religion, origin, citizenship of a particular country, family status, sexual orientation, gender, genetic data.
XXX: What is the difference between gender and gender?
YYY: Gender is from birth, and the second is how you accept yourself.
xxx: I already represent a seven-year-old black transvestite.
And also gay.
ZZZ: A gay transgender? O_O and how?
xxx: So the phrase about genetic data didn’t confuse you?
Zzz: Oh, one head is good, two is better.

If the two-headed seventy-year-old gay-negro transvestite patches WoW as a god, then even you, three-letters, shouldn’t fuck the rest.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna