— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I went to the supermarket after universe. I took a bottle of quas and a couple of pancakes and naturally went to the express box office. For those who do not know what kind of cash, I explain - it is a cash register, where they serve buyers who have less than five units of goods, but there are always people who ignore this feature. So there is a small line mostly of young (probably up to 30 years old) people and two ladies of the Balzac age with full baskets. Naturally, when the turn comes to them, the cashier polently asks to move to another cashier, because he cannot serve them. At the end of my ear I hear the conversation of these ladies:

Q1: Go, Lena, this stupid goat doesn’t want to serve us because we don’t fit the requirements for this box office.

Q2: The requirements? What are the requirements?

D1: Do you not see it? This is a box for young and beautiful!

After the rest of the evening, one thought did not give me peace: she said it seriously or not.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna