— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I know two psychotherapists with a lot of problems in their families. Doctors with sick relatives. As soon as a doctor begins to see a patient as a human being, he ceases to be a good doctor. The most stupid and real example: cancer in an 80-year-old relative. If it is a stranger, then chemotherapy or just enjoy life as much as enough. But when you see a person in him and want to cure him, with the last hope, you send him to surgery. He dies without coming to consciousness. Because at this age it is impossible to survive the operation. But one thing is to say this to a set of organs and another thing is to say it to a man.

No one suggested that doctors become the son and brother of every patient. Do you not see the entire gap between "meat" and "nearly relative"?
Just respect, not heartfelt love. Talk about equality, not relationship. Is it so difficult? Lifehack: It is not even rude to feel and think humanly. Talk and act like a human being.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna