— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A poor man’s wife was making butter, and he was selling it to one of the bakeries. The woman prepared the oil in the form of circles weighing a kilogram. And he sold them to the baker and bought what was needed for his house.

One day the baker doubted the weight of the oil he bought and, weighing each circle, saw that they weighed 900 grams. He was angry at the poor man. The next day, when the poor man came to him, he met him in anger and said to him:
“I’m not going to buy from you anymore because you’re selling me butter, saying it weighs a kilogram and weighs just 900 grams.

Then the poor man, upset and lowered his head, said:
“We, my lord, have no weights, but I bought sugar from you and made it a measure for me to weigh the oil.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna