— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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By composing your name, you can find out about your hidden talents)))

A: You like to drink.
B: Everyone wants you.
C: You are really sick (on the head).
D: You like to drink.
You are wonderful in bed!
F: You are very sexy.
G: You never let people tell you what to do.
H: You have a very good appearance and character.
I: You kiss offgenically
J: People love you!
K: You are a wild and crazy man.
L: Everybody loves you.
M: You kiss the best in the world.
N: You like to drink.
You kiss godly.
Q: You are popular among all segments of the population.

and Anita:
A: You like to drink.
N: You like to drink.
N: You like to drink.
A: You like to drink.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna