— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the quarrels about work they forget that everything has long been invented for us.

Hospitalization over 3 days (suddenly) is not paid by the employer, but by the insurance company (those with the mandatory tax on honey). is well known and constitutes a known % of z/p. and getting it in the envelope you should have a health above average, so as not to stay in the minus)

Against the "unemployed" has long been invented a lot of systems. For example, a paycheck. Or a system of compulsory premiums, which can be more than a p...
You work - get a Z/P prize
If you don’t work, sit on the roof and don’t light up, or they’ll find something to get fired. The contract will not be extended...

Three Suddenly, they may offer a reduction or rewrite an old indefinite contract for a period of one year. And think - do they want to get rid of it, or really something in the accounting and personnel department has changed, and this requirement is not "hotel", but the necessity of...

4 is About the "mothers" and the "sick" should be cared for by the state. for our taxes. And not at all an employer who needs a job done, not a place occupied by deckers.

5 is "Social" is a very important part, but it can be held or very large, "city-forming" enterprises. The state for our taxes.

In general, read the laws, smart textbooks, and do not lead a mess on the forums. And of humor. Resources are provided!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna