— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Now I understand from which children some of my acquaintances grew up. A friend’s husband didn’t eat yesterday. at all. Even bread or compot. Only freshly prepared, with dust from heat, don't let God cook and warm up in the morning - you get angry with daddy. My second companion is constantly adhering to a healthy eating system. Every week is different. Today cooked vegetables, tomorrow grapes, after tomorrow raw food. Truth never warns his wife that he dropped and arranges a wild scandal if he wanted fried meat and got a plate of beans. My ex did not eat fish, onions, garlic, pumpkin, cheese, from meat only chicken without skin and beef, mushrooms, Bulgarian pepper, green vegetables, and any fried dishes. And I did not even tolerate the smell, so cooking two different dishes is not an option, and going to the restaurant is an entire adventure. I am not saying that you should eat unloved food. Do not put your problems on others. Mother has cooked a snack today, and the child doesn’t want it? Let him eat a sandwich. Children don't know why my mom chose a strawberry, maybe there was no time, maybe the strawberry's expiration date is out, maybe it's a problem with money and there's only a strawberry, or maybe she can cook three dishes only or banally all the others eat strawberry with pleasure.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna