— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The case was in the third class. We were asked to write in Russian. Usually, the teacher reads the text of the presentation twice, and then you need to write, but that time it was not so. The teacher said that everyone can read the text as many times as they want, but then, when you close, you can’t look into the textbook.

Confident that this will be the easiest statement in my life, I read the text 10 times and started to write. It was a volume of less than half a page, so I, already then having an excellent memory, could not help but learn it in 10 readings. So I was absolutely sure of success.

In the middle of the class, the teacher fell asleep leaving the class. I have no idea why, but when she went out, she said that she could not write, and if someone would, she would find out. Of course, I had no need to write, and in any case at the time I was so obedient that I could not even think of it.

What was my surprise when I got my job, in which there was no correction, but at the same time it was 4 points. In complete confusion, I approached the teacher who was talking with the teacher of physical education and asked why. The teacher, addressing the physician, said: “What an unconscious one! She wrote everything word by word, and she wants five more!”

I still tremble a bit of anger when I remember.

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