— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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very educational

111: So I bought cheese and the plastic number 4 is imprinted in the cheese. What do they mean? What is the maximum amount in cheese? Why just cheese? Why is there no number in molded cheese? Is it in the sausage?
222: Is it a Japanese hieroglyph "death"? They are very similar to the number 4.
No, the cheese is Russian, not Japanese
333 It is death.

During the Soviet era, plastic figures of black or blue were often found in cheese.
These numbers, excavated from the crust, children were pleased to collect,
But few knew what they needed.
And here is another mystery of childhood solved - these numbers only indicated the date of development from which the maturation period was counted.
Since such a practice was only in the USSR and preserved somewhere in Russia and on the territory of the former Union, and cheese with mold - exclusively from Western Europe, then on cheese with mold there are no figures.
The maximum number is naturally 9, although you can’t distinguish it from 6.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna