— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Suddenly an enormous hole ended.
Covered with a brass basin, so to say,
Wherever you look, to the left or to the right.
There are losses everywhere, there is nowhere to run.
Yesterday, everything was bursting in the market.
A crowd of non-residents came to us.
And suddenly the plague! Europe has forgotten.
America took care of itself.
Cottages and Limousines
Assets, smoking - rather sell everything
What to do? Theft of shops?
Bombing the railway stations or blasting?
What about restaurants? The Oscillation?
Bid, offer, spread and what about her? The Marge?
Office in the closet, split window.
A broken barge went down.
The team in panic: some of them crashed.
Others swing and jump off the boat.
And then only melt and melt.
There is no savior even in the shorts.
Farewell to the dream, how beautiful you were!
I wear a hat and smoke.
Don’t need Hennessy, pour a better beer.
Cheap Moscow
Give me a wrap. I love her again...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna