— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The story of "The Barber". Alexander Viktorov (Moscow)

It was in 1992. Marches of mourning for the dead.

The USSR. The submarine fleet gradually began to squeeze. hydraulic

remained in Baku, components for the equipment in Kiev and Chisinau.

There was a serious breakdown in salaries. What is the salary when

Inflation of 40% per month.

The command of the 2nd Fleet, which was in Kamchatka, understood that for so long

The people did not extend and decided to make the submarine's life easier. The 25th Division

They opened a barber shop where they could bring a symbolic fee.

yourself in order. Small and pleasant!

He worked, or rather served as a hairdresser at the PCZ, a wonderful guy from

Turkmenistan itself and called him Serdar (leader in their name). This is agreed

Man, got on the navy at the breakdown of the ages! Speak Russian in 3 years.

He learned decently, and the specialty of the "trumpy sailor" came to him.

The Soul. We were not on vacation, far from Kamchatka. DMB and Command

I decided to go to the barber.

So came Serdar’s inevitable Dembel. He comes into the building.

part of. They ask him:

Where to Write a WP?

He replied in calm Russian:

Such a place, such an aul.

Looked at the builders in the book, where all the settlements of the USSR and did not find

Such an aura.

How far from your home to the nearest city?

– Oh, far away – replied the sailor.

Wise for a long time. Nothing worked out, the settlement disappeared, and in the personal

In the case of the soldier is the name of the military committee of a small border village.

But it is not that!

It cannot be so! The head of the department said and got it.

The map.

The information on the map was insufficient. I took a bigger map.

The builders bowed over a complex intersection of meridians and

and parallels. There is no such settlement.

The young starle looked along the border of Turkmenistan and Iran. And suddenly

His eyes fell on the adjacent, Iranian territory. Oh the horror! carefully

At a depth of 10 kilometers there was the aul that the sailor was talking about.

Russian submarine Serdar.

The builders are frozen, and there is an international scandal.

How did you get into the army? The father said the boss.

I passed sheep, a week passed, and then I walked in the mountains. People in shape.

They came and asked what their name was. I said Serdar. How many years, I asked.

He said 18. They asked for a passport, but I didn’t know what a passport was. He is

They put them in the car and took them to the city. Then I got here on the plane.

You, my son, wait at the door.

The mood was completely ruined. A number of direct and indirect signs

It turned out that three years in the secret base of submarines in office

It was served by a citizen of Iran named Serdar.

What will we do, comrades officers?

- And what to do, what military commission called there and send, and there let us

He goes home by the mountains.

And the happy Serdar went home to his sisters and brothers. succeeded

Whether he will get into his Iranian hall is unknown. Six months in the headquarters.

The division received a request from the Turkmen KGB, “Didn’t we have any service?”

“Serdar?” The building department answered nothing and said nothing to anyone.

Well, Serdar did not know in which country he was born, but the military duty

Fulfilled and how!! to

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