— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I remember how my older brother struck me as a child. They will connect me so that I don’t bother them. Then my favorite transformator will be put on the luster, which is why the toy will melt and I will cry all day. It will burn me on my back.

When I grew up and at a family dinner accidentally touched this topic, it turned out that I was still a bitch and a little bitch:

I was linked fairly. The day my brother’s friend came to visit, I was bored alone and jealous that my brother had guests and I didn’t. I ran into the room, jumped on the couch, cried, and then pulled out the cable from the TV from the fork and stopped watching the series.

2) The transformer my father bought me when I came from the sea. My brother bought nothing. I decided to mock myself and pull the toy out of my brother’s nose for a few days, telling him how cool I am and he isn’t. The brother got it and he picked up the tank plane and put it on a luster (off!). I forgot about the transformator myself immediately, in the evening I turned on the light and the toy melted.

3) It all went funny too. My brother smoothed his shirt in the morning at school and decided to joke at me. I took a hot stove and held it while I slept over my back at a distance of fifteen centimeters from my skin. But I did not sleep. I felt that my back was warm, but without thinking about the sting, I decided to scare my brother and jump up unexpectedly. He jumped up. I got a beautiful red triangle on my back. My brother was scared.

In the younger school, the teacher said about me, "I was a little clown, and it smelled."

In the kindergarten, I once wore a pot of shit on myself. I was told that I cannot. But I could.

So, dear friends, bear in mind that maybe your life is not Scottish, but you are just Gondon.

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