— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Only a Russian person can: get a pension, which is enough only for

grapefruit, scratch wood, prototype a straw at minus 30, beat away from neighbors

asking for money, filling the roof standing on one leg on the roof

with cracks and wind, refresh the closet, that is,

Wear the training pants we gave to the wedding.

85th, break the ice in the canes that are standing in the sinks to prepare

Indian tea for 10 p. pack, wash things in blue hands

the river-smell, again to go to the factory, which stood up 15 years ago,

to find out about the work, and the electricity has been turned off again, and the gas is still

Por is...


After all this, with an enthusiasm watching TV show "The Last Hero", on

The so-called “stars” on a tropical island

Incredible difficulties have fallen, and deep concern for the heroes!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna