— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ]
List of factions of "United Russia" from Wikipedia:
and 136. Ruslan Hajabiyakov
by 140. Spartak Akhmetov
by 141. Engels Kulmuhametov
by 143. by Ramiel Iskuzhin
by 144. Alexander Furman
by 145. Ernst Isaev
and 146. Sally Murzabaeva
by 147. Alexei Sabadash
by 148. Marshall Yusupov
by 149. by Ildar Himalettinov
by 150. Rinath Sagitov
and 151. Murat Kiyekbayev
and 152. Irshat Fahritdinov
by 153. Marina Mukabenova
and 154. Vasily Kuznetsov
and 155. Rizvanagadi Isaev
and 156. Assanbuba Nurburbegov
by 157. Moses of Manar
and 158. Adam Amirilev
and 159. Tagged saffron
by 160. Shizri Shishai
and 161. Mahomet Gajiev
and 162. Mahomedkadi Gasanov
and 163. Belan Hamchiev
and 164. Adalby Shagoshev
and 165. Yuri Vasilyev
and 166. Mikhail Zalikhanov
and 167. Rostislav Goldstein
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The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna