— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I will explain to you now very simply why you went home for salary.

Gasoline has nothing to do with it. Let’s say we, you and the chronicler were flying.

A plane across the Pacific Ocean. Three of us walked along the way.

We broke the door from the toilet, and for this we were thrown into the sea.

through an emergency exit. Fortunately, near the place of our fall.

There is a small unnamed Polynesian island. Choosing to

The coast, we consulted, and decided to consider it a new state under

The United States of Absenta (United States).

When we were thrown out of the plane, the luggage was not handed over to us.

All material and intangible assets are

The toilet door you took with you. In general, despite

At the end of the day, you are the most expensive in your wallet.

A $100 banknote was discovered. Thus, in

Our U.S. has non-financial assets – the door, and financial assets, they

The amount of money is $ 100. This is all our savings. Since we have

There is nothing else, so we can say that we have one.

A material asset is a door secured with a cash mass of $100. T is.

The door costs $100.

A little shuddered, we decide that we need to arrange somehow. The most

One of us was a chronicler. He immediately announced that he was creating

The bank is ready to increase the existing savings of the population.

3% of the year - well not sitting a man without work. You give him $100, and he

They are recorded in the notebook in the article "Passives ->Dipasites". But I also not.

I’m sorry I’ve spent so much time investigating.

I know how to take out your door and $100. I am

I offer you to take your $100 increase under 5% annual. I pull out a list of

My notepad and I write on it - "Ablegation for $100 under 5% annual". You are

You feel like you’re cracked. Take money from the upset.

Chronoscopist with dipazite and you give them to me in exchange for my allegation.

I take your $100 and put it on a deposit in the bank back happy

The chronicler.

In the best case, it would be possible to calm down and go to do everything.

to shake the palm or to dive behind the moles, to get bread.

Urgent to say so. But you know, I’m a financial genius.

Things like coconut and oysters don’t interest me. Moving on

50 steps from the southern coast to the north, and 30 steps from the northern coast.

From the west to the east, I think of a brilliant combination. I come to you and

I offer to earn another 1% per year in the empty place. Take in the bank

Chronoscopic loan under 4%, and buy another bond under 5%.

The second $100 allegation I immediately write out on the notepad, and

I put it in front of your nose. Not thinking long, you run to the bank and take

$100 loan under guarantee of my first obligation of $100. They are there, I am them.

I put it on a dipside. You lend me $100 and hide the second one.

I have an affidavit to my wallet - now you have my affidavit for $200.

And $100 I put in the bank - now I have $200 there on the deposit. chronologist

Up to jump from joy - credit business popper.

Do you think I will stop? I have already written a third.

of ablegation. Running to the bank for a loan under the guarantee of the second allegation. closer to

In the evening, rushing over the island with this hundred backs and healing all of them.

the leaflets from the notepad on the allegation, we have the following picture. You have on

$5,000 of my obligations, and I have $5,000 of disbursement in the bank. Now, I

I feel it’s time to put your door in your hands. I suggest

Buy it for $100. But you harm – the door is only one, and

You drop the price at $1000. Well, $1000 so $1000 - I finally have a

The deposit is $5,000. I send on the last notepad.

payment order to the Chronoscope, transfer $1000 from my deposit to

Yours, and I take your door.

If we give our accounting to an American economist with a Harvard

With a diploma, he will tell us that our U.S. has $1,000 of material resources.

assets in the form of doors, and $10,000 financial assets in the form of bonds and

of Dipasites. The value of our total assets has increased.

110 times a day.

A less subtle and educated person would say that we are three fools.

We had one door and $100, so it was, and that only finished.

Debbie could have ripped the leaflets out of the notebook all day, instead of

Drinking the coconut. Which one is right, decide for yourself. But the mechanism

The relative increase in housing prices is exactly the same as in the United States, that in Japan,

What in Russia.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna