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The story of the cat and his retirement :)
A couple of years ago, a family from a distant Siberian city came to Tenerife... and fell in love with the island. Unable to resist the beauty of the Atlantic, they bought a villa with four hectares of land.
The family moved to the island quickly, the problem was one: a member of the family remained at home - a red cat, who at the time was eight years old, for which he never left the apartment. The cat loved to eat and sleep, sometimes sat on the window and watched the birds, but attempted not even to go up the staircase. The cat was fed, 16-17 kg.
The question arose of moving a family member to the Canary Islands. With this weight, only in the luggage compartment. But this option was not even considered: such a trip the cat could not endure. It is a huge stress not only for the cat, but for the whole family.
There were two options left.
1st Take the cat in the car across Europe, and then a ferry to the island.
2nd Put the cat on a diet.
The father of the family, Sergey, introduced a trip to Europe in the company of a cat and came into terrible horror by one thought about it. The second option was chosen.
In order for the red face to be easier to endure the terrible period of the diet, the man decided to also switch to light food and remove from the diet his favorite sardines and meat.
The cat was crying, cuddling, asking for food, crying... Sergey wrote reports to me every week. If I had received letters not on the internet, I’m sure they would have been blurred with tears and written with a shaking hand :)
A month later, the cat opened the refrigerator and ate a simple cucumbers. The family’s father hugged the cat and cried with him. The cat became more often sitting on the window and dreamed of eating a bird. Every week the veterinarian came and checked the cat’s health. Red, who did not like guests, began to welcome everyone with joy, checking the bags for food. If she didn’t, she put her shoes.
The cat decided: if you target more and more often, the owner will pity him. The veterinarian recommended castration. Sergey thought that the cat was so bad - it was better to tolerate the smell.
11 months of diet. The cat weighed 9 kilograms with a small one. Sergei lost 15 kg.
They booked a cat for a flight, writing a complaint and a detailed letter as he was losing weight to make a trip on board. They asked to pardon and allow the carriage in the cabin of the animal, which together with the carrier at the time weighed 10–10,5 kg. The letter was accompanied by a picture of the unhappy cat. I answered immediately: take it! These are such victims!
In the plane, the cat was given a piece of sausage. Probably, if a cat could speak, he would say it was the most delicious sausage in his life. After hearing the story of a cat who had been on a diet for 11 months, neighbors donated him a sausage from their lunch.
Then the cat came to Finnish. For the first three months, he measured all four hectares of land. He could not believe it was all his and nobody claimed it.
Now the cat is hunting - almost every day brings the owners of a suffocated rabbit. The rabbit prefers to eat cooked, raw tired.
When I come to visit them, a huge red cat (18 kg) meets me and then leads me to the door.
Every time I think, this is the cat’s retirement! Canaries, warmth, four hectares and a villa at his disposal... hopefully he forgot that hellish period of stress.

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