— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The law is implemented not only on paper, but also in practice. The right to work and receive a decent salary has long been realized. If a woman is truly qualified, she will find an application elsewhere where the boss will not be obscured by the fear of the decree. This is the realization of the principle of equality: is something wrong? You are free to look for another place.

The Invisible Hand of the Market" So find out finally that this “hand” worked perfectly only in Adam Smith’s theory. In practice, in countries with a market economy, the state interferes strongly in this economy, for example, prohibiting cartel conspiracies, protecting its markets from foreign producers, etc. If the state did not interfere in the relationship between the employer and the wage worker, you, the bird, would still work 12 hours a day for a bowl of bread, regardless of gender and age. The equality, ch.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna