— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One day I was invited to interview a company that was dealing with some type of building material. I was interviewed by Eich-Ar and a local boss, edak thirty years old. And I, in addition to the standard questions and logic tasks (until now I have not understood for which time they were needed there), asked the question: "why does the sewer have a round shape?". I began to explain that the round shape and the difference in diameter between the hole and the hole of the well is essentially a basic safety measure that prevents the hole from falling inside in the event of mechanical damage to the holding ear, the hole on the hole of a different shape, etc. The two listened, and after my answer, they said, “No. Luc has a round shape because it is made by GOST!" They looked at me as victoriously as Caesar looked at the captured city. There was an uncomfortable pause. Then I quietly stood up and went out.

The company, by the way, soon collapsed. Just because there were idiots working in it.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna