— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I was 25-26 years old. She worked in the university ( library). One day I had to disassemble a ton of new books and distribute them to different departments. That is, actually sit for a long time and lay down books on certain signs in several stacks. Work is not difficult, but boring. Two students were identified to help, Vova and Andrey.

In the fact that Vova was yesterday’s schoolchild, though under two meters tall, I had no doubt. And Andrei seemed to be an adult. I was sure that it was almost my peer who finally decided to get a cork. Then, in the conversation, it broke out that Andrew had to do something with his father's help, because he himself will become a major only in the spring. Since then, it’s much easier for me to believe stories about people to whom no one gives their years.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna