— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In short, I came back from the turbine, weighed - my mom is dear, plus three kilos in two weeks!

Wow: Well, it can’t be, there are so many activities: big boats, swimming, forest with berries around!

HHH: And it was without food that I took the pudding, and guess what would happen if I still went to the dining room. Cake with butter, soup with meat, sausage for sweets and all that.

What did you eat then at all? 0 - O

HHH: Yes, in the store nearest to the big ride, in the small there entirely. A couple of sausages, black bread, cheese a couple of pieces, vinicle vinicle sweets to snack. Well, and chopsticks at night roasted - the only normal meal of the day.

Wow: Well yes, compared to this list of ham on milk in the morning in the dining room you would be straight into a ball of swelling >_<

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna