— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In general, I was released very early from work, even before lunch, I go home happy with thoughts about the fact that my wife is at work, my child is with my mother, and I have a full half of the working day alone, and I will be able to sit for my pleasure, watch the series, let on the meat of monsters and raise my character a couple of levels. The beauty!

I approach the house, and at our entrance is Peter’s wife’s friend sitting.

Hi, where are you from here? O. O

Q: Yes, I told Anna that I would come, I confused the dates, the phone sat down, I sat down, I waited for you.

I: Well you’re lucky that I’m early today, let’s go.

He took her suitcase, went up to the apartment, greeted the neighbor, laid her a couch (he was driving at night), splashed himself at the computer. After 40 minutes, I hear a convulsive knock of the key in the door, only the door is not in any way. Well I got tired, went, opened, and there was a wife. The face is rough, the eyes in a wet place and silent. A terrible spectacle, I will tell you. Even worse, when you know that your wife is dissatisfied, and is dissatisfied with you, and you do not understand why. I was saved by her friend, who fell asleep from the living room into the corridor, and greeted and went to the bathroom, scratching the pop. Something came to my wife, her face smoothed, she hugged me and apologized.

Now the essence. A neighbor sees me at home earlier than usual with some girl, smiled gently, greeted her, and then immediately rushed to call my wife on the phone, painting out how I almost put her in my hands into the apartment, beating for the brides! The wife, of course, is almost hysterical, and she, even without asking the boss, crashes home. The end is known.

I do not like my neighbors.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna