— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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A pedestrian dying crushed at a pedestrian crossing, remember, you were right! “But apparently in this case, it is right to like people more than to live, but it is everyone’s matter how to kill.

Let’s go on. The guides listen to you very carefully, cheerfully and in even greater quantities jump out on the red. And you turn your head more actively, soon you will find your approval kiva.

Idiots, look beyond your nose. In the U.S., the “Yes means yes” campaign was launched among students (this is roughly what they have been trying to do here for a few days), and the number of rapes in student campuses has REALLY decreased. For those who did not understand: not only the affected girls became fewer, but also fewer boys went behind bars. It benefits everyone. Both for pedestrians and drivers. "The accusation of the victim" is not beneficial to anyone. I don’t think anyone would like to get a long time in jail.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna