— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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But the people have revised the pony or something else, and when they are now trying to point out to the reality that a person in modern conditions needs to think about his own safety, then there are screams about protecting the criminal here.

The handcuff. and twice. No, it’s just incredible – such a ability to translate shooters. No one ever denies that being drunk is dangerous, that life hurts. but. It is not about that. No matter how much a person thinks or doesn’t think about their safety, you can’t rape anyone. Do you understand? This is the translation of the focus from the criminal to the victim – and it is the justification for violence. It doesn’t matter where or how this drunken body came from. It was thrown out of a flying plate. Do not touch him, my brother. Just do not touch. That’s all you need. You see, and the overall crime rate will drop slightly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna