— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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More than a hundred years ago in St. Petersburg there was a unique restaurant. It was famous for the absence of quarrels, scandals or debuts, which were usually arranged by the crowd.

The fact is that all the servicing staff of this restaurant, from the cook to the wardrobe, passed the compulsory examination "to take a drunk." The owner of the institution, Porfiry Filimonovich, personally arranged a check for those who wanted to "service" him, which was not all. But if it was lucky to get a job from him, the master paid generously and treated with respect. The test was that, possessing an extraordinary strength and a very impressive figure, Porfiry Filimonovich did not without pleasure begin to "walk the wheel" throughout the restaurant, to squeeze the furniture and for the most persuasive to shout out that he at one time "and on the bear."
The task of the examined was not to be frightened and to try to calm the upset employer. Few good guys managed to take off their legs without special injuries, and even more to cope with the "deboshir".

One day, in search of a place of a waitress, one young man of a “stumpy student appearance” came to such an examination. At first, Filimonich did not want to spend time on him, but he insisted. He looked closely at the newcomer, as the owner “blasphemed”, took off his glasses and, in the eyes of the present, in a few seconds pulled off the shirt, pulled through the sleeves the shell, jumped out to meet Filimonich, with a short masterpiece struck him on the ear. And while he was standing, stunned and stunned by surprise, he quickly stretched his rope behind him forward and cleverly wrapped his hands to the body with a shirt. Then, after thinking for a moment, the "student" as quickly turned the clap from two towels and, without ceremony, pushed it into the mouth of the unhappy examiner. After such shocks, Porfiry Filimonovich had to spend a couple of days in bed, as he had somehow broken two ribs. The "Arkaška-student" did not get offended and worked for himself, but first found out where that "so shaky came out." It turned out, several years before this Arkady Rybin worked as a sanitary in a house for the minded and was forced there to cope with more serious opponents than Porfiry Filimonovich.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna