— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I once came to a girl to visit, the affairs with her made love, well, I went naked. He is naked!! Here the door opens and her grandmother, 82, enters. I was silent. I think as if my grandmother did not want to sort, and she went to the kitchen next to the toilet. Sit on a chair and let your granddaughter talk about all the nonsense. She hints, and the grandmother says everything and says... And it’s cold in the toilet, and it’s time for me to work. and short. I make my face a brick, cover my dignity with my hand and go out with the words, "Hello, Love Anatolievna" and into the room to dress. “Hello, Aloha” – was the response and laughter of my girlfriend (precisely roast!) is

We are all decent adults. No one escaped from anyone, and no longer remembered the case. Only when I visited her, with the phrase "Hello, Aloha" my face was involuntarily smiling, and I barely contained the laughter.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna