— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have a man at work, performing in the office of the municipality, serving our building, the functions of the electrician and the loader.
I call him the "electric loader", the partner calls a short-lived (because he always doesn't report something) and an electrician.
It is not external. Thin, lean, dressed like in the 70s of the last century, rough, boring wild and eternally with some straight naughty idiotic questions.
No one loves him. And not even trying.
Well, I was a patient man (in the army of soldiers those other frames were found), but somehow I did not stand and was out of heart.
He tried for two months not to get in my eyes.
Once recently Oleg (a partner) asks:
Do you remember what Chikatilo looked like?
Or a maniac? Yes I remember. Rožica is dumb, you will never think that he is a murderer. and what?
I am about too. With our electrician outwardly like brothers. I thought... Per you wasted him at that time?It is :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna