— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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When I was a child, my younger brother was still Swintus. At 35 degrees of heat, when all the nearby rivers were drying and the earth was cracking from drought, he could find dirt and fall in it from his feet to his head. But then it was September. He is 5, I am 10. It was rain. His mother put on his last clean clothes. I asked him to take care of him so that he’t get upset this time. But I didn’t have time literally for a few seconds. He had ears in the dirt. He stumbled, fell into a hole. I feel sorry for it, because it comes from my mom. brought home. She told her mother that she had put her foot and he fell. Oh, I was so entangled then. “And if he was hurt, his eye would break out.” But I endured it all. I am the older sister. Mom went to the kitchen. My brother and I stayed alone. I look at him proudly. I think appreciated. With tears in his eyes, he said, “That’s why you put my foot on me. Now I sit at home. “You are damaged!” And three more days. I did not defy him anymore.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna