— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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# feared

Fima, close your mouth on the other side, let the doctor calmly make your opinion!
Have you drank for the shit?
What are you kidding with her? We have things to do for the glands!
Don’t make me nervous, there’s more to ruin!

Once upon a time, three ugly boys stood on the road like shlagbaums. Pulled out of the pockets of feathers, castets and the same such brave standing with a punch on the mouths to make us not good. So Dawa, never thinking about it, struck them down the jaw.

You’re chasing your mother into the grave, son, and even deeper!
Make my mother an orphan.
From where this Cilia came, she behaves like a Romanian prostitute!
What kind of wife are you here? Here is your mother!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna