— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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It was under the new year. They came back with their parents from the store, picked up products and gifts. On the street darkness, freezing below 50 degrees with cracks and fog. There was a lamp at the entrance and in its light we saw the body. He was lying in the snow next to the trail. He came and checked his pulse. Alive and warm. They dragged into the entrance, wanted to call an ambulance, but the man (dirty and dirty, but not stinking and not like BOMJ) began to drill that the ambulance is not needed, that he will now sleep and go on. Someone who pulled him to the ground floor, upstairs. There is warm. My mother and I went to the apartment, and my father laid the man on the potato boxes, divided and made sure that nothing was frozen, scratched vodka. I took out an old pillow and cushion. No ambulance or menus were called. The neighbor went out to see what the noise was, but he did not argue. There was a man at the entrance for the night. For the “natural need” left my old pot. In the morning the man fell asleep and left. He went and went. I forgot about it, the pre-year trouble. Here, closer to the evening, a call to the homephone. “Did you pick me up yesterday? Here, I came to thank you...” As it turned out, Uncle, entered and went home. On the way, dogs attacked him and he ran away from them and found himself in our yard. His run, apparently, exhausted him to the end, and he fell asleep on the track. The man thanked me very much, brought me a bottle of cognac, candy and a toy. Then he called on the New Year’s Eve, congratulated himself, thanked his wife. After that, he and his father crossed a couple of races.

P.S Fortunately, we didn’t go to my grandmother’s visit, but Fige knows how it would turn.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna