— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I think every one of you at least once in your life forgot the phone at home, in the car or elsewhere.

I just forgot my phone in the car and left the car in a parking lot near the workplace. It was Friday, the last day of the sprint.

In the evening at 8 o'clock was to take place a demonstration of the project to the customer, so that day I was especially busy and the lack of the phone discovered only after lunch. I decided to go out to smoke and take the phone out of the car for one.

But when I got to the parking lot, I found that the car keys were left on the desk. Having decided that nothing critical would happen if I didn’t answer someone’s call, I went back to work. He warned his girlfriend not to worry.

Time went by, the deadline was getting closer and closer, the work boiled.

Suddenly I get a message from a girl. He writes that he cannot enter the apartment, he cannot open the door with the neighbors.

This happened before, because she had a duplicate, and I had the original. The castle was already old.

I could not leave from work, so I asked a friend to come in and help open the door (he had the keys from the apartment).

Following are the words of a friend:

I came and tried to open the key, but it didn’t work.

There are no neighbors at home. Then he decided (with my consent) to break the castle. I don't know how he managed to do that, but how he managed to knock the lock through the lock well. The task was solved, it was only to buy a new castle instead of the old one.

I was at work all that time. At about 22 o’clock I was released. Sitting in the car, I first took the phone in my hands and saw dozens of missed calls from an unknown number and 1 SMS message about this content:

“Hello, this is your neighbor. This morning the castle broke and we replaced it with a new one. You can pick up the keys in the apartment.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna