— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My wife and I have lived together for more than 8 years, the daughter has only been kissed, while:
“I’m not a beautiful person, but I’m not ugly, I lived with my parents, I worked for myself. Going to a meeting-dating clean to eat (student);
When I met, I didn’t like her (because I liked her and I acted like an idiot).
A second date only for the cinema and to eat on the hole! (And I understood it, but I began to think about what to catch.)
All her friends said "Is he you?and "
- 3 months of murryzhila - proved innocent, confessed to love first!
There was everything, I was sitting without work for 2 years, and I gave flowers every day (unfortunately, 1 rose, but it was enough), she was true and close, here I realized that she really loves).
We worked together, bought an apartment, a car. And friends are all without permanent couples.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna