— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Stoke quotes about Russia and Ukraine that I did not hold back.
People, don’t you mind at all? I mean, we’re ordinary people, not politicians, and we shouldn’t judge anyone by their nationality.
There are Gandhi in Ukraine. In Russia, there are also pirates. But this will never prevent normal people from communicating with each other, no matter whether they are from Zimbabwe. Enough of that!! I wanted shame on Yushchenko, Tymoshenko, Putin and Medvedev, if my friend is from Kiev, it does not mean that he is a cattle. No matter what politicians say. Let the politicians figure out the relationships between them, they have their hole there as much as they can cut down. As we were Slavs, so we will remain. And if a person is a Gondon in life, it does not matter whether he is Ukrainian or Russian. If a man is good, then let him be a Chinese, a South Korean, a Russian or a Ukrainian, he is a good man... and start with everything else, and the politicians first!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna