— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Prehistory: My father and I have almost not communicated all my life, he dropped from my mother in my three months, because "she worships at night and generally realized that the family is not mine." I have a name from him (rarely) and a name (more or less common).

I was 25 years old, I went to work in one office with a passport regime, she passport data. I am met by a representative of the organization, he leads... On the way we meet some uncle (I didn’t even consider), my companion greeted him and then said to me – said, and this is my colleague, he has a name, like your paternity, and the surname is the same, funny coincidence, right?

Ten years have passed, and I don’t know, maybe it wasn’t a coincidence.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna