— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Working in the cell phone salon you can see a lot. Starting from the hobbits, wishing to change the new iPhone to a handful of seeds and a liter of light unfiltered, and ending with female hysterics, disgusting the unworking simka, which later turns out to be incorrectly inserted. We have already settled with those personalities who increase RAM by buying a flash card and glue the screen with a scotch in order to preserve the integrity of the device. Today came a man who made us laugh genuinely and even cry at some point about what happened. His phone had a blind function (when several touches are required to perform the function and the device sounds the owner’s action). So he had this feature worked in German... from the side there was the impression that Satan had entered the phone and cursed you. The specialist for a long time tried to drive out the unknown creature despite the threats sounding from the whispering speaker, and passers began to pass by the salon faster. After a certain amount of time the devil was expelled, and the man found freedom over the mind, thanked and rushed happily to get lost in the crowd.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna