— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ]
With Hicks:
>> It’s good that God created Man, not “procedurally generated” mutations. And everything around as well.
>> and where is it? The shit toy was also done. Interesting locations are few, most dumb water poured (saved obviously!The gameplay is dumb and monotonous, the meaning is not understandable at all. The mobs are full, and what to do with them is unclear. I tried to talk - they sent somewhere (probably a quest of some), tried to beat the anger - so I barely took my legs. There is no preservation. The schedule is nothing like that. I would also get the money back, but I don’t know how.
>> I am most upset that when the patch was put into the 3D input, the module with magic completely stopped working and the resources with dinosaurs also became unworkable. And if residues of resources with dinosaurs are still occasionally found in locations in the form of non-working models, then the module with magic covered completely and that it could only be read in ancient guilds.
>> It will start in the next version
>> And if not, then you can fork.
>> It is not possible, it is a terrible property, and so far a couple of hundred patent trolls are tried for copyright.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna