— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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We were recently called by an uncle in anger, the company we work with agreed to hire him, but when he already told his current employer that he wanted to resign, and actually wrote a statement, suddenly they went to the hustle, in short, refused.

I call the staff manager and ask what happened.

Have you visited his VKontakte page?

No, what is there?

Come in and see.

She gives me a user ID, I start posting photos. Apparently nothing special. Here he is fishing, here he is on the beach with a glass in his hand, and with the blue sea behind, in general, a standard set of ordinary nonsense, which is filled with millions of other exactly the same pages in social networks.

It looks like nothing criminal.

There is nothing criminal. But how do we work with a person who is being photographed in the background of a carpet?

I look further, and I see his smiling face on the backdrop of the carpet.

What is this like?

Well, if you don’t see anything wrong with this, then it puts into question our work with you. The whole internet already knows that the carpet on the wall is a moped. And if someone does not know this, it means that this someone is living apart from reality and modernity. I’m not talking about plebey fun like beer and fishing.

- Listen, but he is not a glamorous creator, but an ordinary engineer on heating equipment! What is he, in silk smoking, to let the hypocritical tear on the production of "Vaginal Monologue"?

Yes, the conversation is over.

I call my uncle and I say:

You will laugh when you know why you were rejected.

He explained the reason, but the uncle, for some reason, did not laugh.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna