— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The attempt not even to force, to persuade to pay for retirement smoldu was. A lot of people are spending money?
All right, infantility and debility - at first we have nothing to add, and then give it immediately, we live for nothing.

And they’ve accumulated a lot, don’t you say? Infantile and foolish is one who instantly forgets about monetary reforms, inflation and denominations and builds wet plans to accumulate one billion rubles for old age. Everything is easier. The money I had in my 20s is now worth nothing. In 30 years, they have been depreciated in dust. But I am in the system of some "insurance". Now I (indirectly, through the employer) contribute my money, and the disabled receive benefits slightly more than the subsistence minimum. When I am unable to work, I will expect about the same. The allowance is higher than the subsistence minimum, no matter how much that minimum is. And let it be so, because staying old with a dust box is a pleasure below average.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna