— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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From the Gifts Forum

And then my future husband gave me such a gift that I barely sat down. We returned from the store through the park and watched rats ride on the bank of the stream and here, when I turned, he grabbed one of them and eats "Look what I caught for you!!I’m just an officer! He throws it in my hands, I throw it back, and then it comes to me that the rats are dead! She does not move! My husband raises her up and throws her back into my chest again - here I couldn't stand it - I fell straight down the track and began to roar in the whole voice. I thought you would be nice!" It turned out that he did not throw a rat to me, but a plush enot, about the size of a rat and the same gray color, like wanted to depict that a live enot I caught (bought, until I saw, in the store) only I did not understand this, because I was without glasses.
I then could not calm down all the way home, I walked and cried after the horror experienced.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna