Lost at the Olympics
There was a case too. Olympiad in English, our class - with in-depth study. There are two of my classmates and I am a type of reserve. On Fridays and Saturdays I quietly chased the big, gamed dendi, read books, all that. On Sunday at seven in the morning, one of those girls knocks on my door and reports that the other girl is sick, so I need an Alma Mater. by Opanki. Well, prepared, did not prepare, soon gathered and ran away, not grumbling, to defend the honor of the school.
Next is more. Our team is coming out of school. We gathered to ride a trolleybus, but here one high school girl says she knows how to shorter. Follow her, you already understood it. This daughter of Susannah took us to such hills that one hour from there we went on foot. They arrived at the Olympics ten minutes after the start. We and our classmates were stuck on the last remaining free seats in one batch (usually the boys from the same school were sitting away), we, naturally, all the way combined the brains, the vocabulary and actually the dictionary, which I locked in the pocket of the pants.
On Monday, when I came to school, I learned that I took the first place, she was second or third, I don’t remember already. This is from the boat to the ball.