— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I’m currently working in a bank and I’ve recently had a megahistory. The man came with the claims - the loops are shameful, the bankers are bad, I will condemn everyone, I will plant, I will crush, you know who I am!!! Give me my money!! It turned out that from his card someone spared 20,000 rubles. Who can be guilty in the eyes of the man? Well, who else is not a cashier (if not) or a bank in general. began to understand. During the trial, it was discovered that his son (loved, innocent, lapochkawa) was 18 years old, sprinkled the card from his dad and took the money, but the most interesting thing is not this. And the most interesting thing is that this man has thought of himself as an alibi! He took the money precisely when the whole family left the city to visit friends.That is, when everyone ate in the guests to the condition, he sprinkled the card at the batani, took a taxi, flew to the city, took the money and returned unnoticed. I put the map back and type all the way. He didn’t even spend until the storm passed away. One did not teach the boy. In the ATMs there are cameras and in the locations of the ATMs themselves there are also cameras and usually there is a guard. The applicant when he learned all the arrangement opened his eyes for a long time and assured that it was impossible, but the son on the photos knew... And how not to know that, his native blood...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna