— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the oceanarium near the swimming pool with turtles stand two of our compatriots - a very fed daddy, the neck smoothly moves into the shoulders, and a boy 5 years old. The cashier can buy a glass of food and feed the turtles, which these two actually do. In turtles, the feeder causes a stormy enthusiasm, the boy, respectively, too. Then I hear this dialogue M-boy, P-pa.

Dad, can I try food too?

No, this is for turtles.

It smells so delicious, well.

P – No, I said it. can not. The hell knows what they put there.

M and PAAP. Well please..

P – I can’t tell you. It smells delicious, and so fucking something. I have already tried.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna