— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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After graduation, we went to the military for 3 months. They took us to a temporary camp, set tents, the flag brought Kamaz stolen asphalt, asphalted the square, put a daytime mushroom, in general arranged. For the normal completion of the process, one of our colleagues was instructed to draw a camp plan slightly smaller than a banner. The guy almost elegantly performed the drawing in carcasses, he decorated it with colored semi-tones and calligraphic signatures. The drawing decorated the central stand in the camp. After careful examination of the drawing, it turned out that the lighting mattress of the weapon building was depicted on the other side of the building. The disorder. The decision was made quickly, no compromises were allowed. The drawing is large and beautiful, liked the guide. Therefore, fighters were allocated, who excavated and rearranged the lighting matte, according to the drawing, respectively, together with the power cable. All the business.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna