— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I think they thought something like this:

The card reader. Noot for a professional? After all, it is so convenient to put the software from the manufacturer, create a Wi-Fi point and transmit photos through it. And yes, disable these memory extensions via SD cards.
Remove the USB. Noot for a professional? New devices with full USB no longer exist.
and HDMI. Noot for a professional? Why do some professionals connect something to the most universal connector at the moment?
Food with magnets. Noot for a professional? So he will always stand on the table and not move. This is a laptop!
The F key. Noot for a professional? Seriously, who is using them? Better we put the screen there, and move the entire keyboard down just to remind people that there could fit another string of keys.
The battery. Noot for a professional? Why increase autonomy? Let’s make it thinner.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna