— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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If they ever beat me, they’ll do it because of my children.

Today my grandmother had to hurry somewhere and my youngster was brought to the house.

I am at work. In the evening, we go back home through the park.

Anastasia goes half fast - interfering with the cowards she tries

to fix. And when she finally succeeded, she started.

Talk about what worries her most at the moment.

Who is wearing cowards?

My daughter, how about without them? Wear them all, so it is more comfortable.

Is it all...?

It is all. Girls, boys, and uncles and aunts.

That aunt too? A whistle is made to the side of a nearby girl.

in a mini jersey.

of course.

Before I have time to think about anything, this five-year-old outburst is flying to the

The smoking wild. He raises her shirt and, looking underneath her,

He shouted enthusiastically:

This is not true! This girl has no cowards.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna